
Local loaning is automatic for internal members and is open also to external users, as soon as they are associated for study or research reasons by one of the library (art. 4. Regolamento quadro).


Loan conditions vary according to the typology of the loaner, as here reported:

user typology





#. volumes x # days

(+ days prolongment)

3x30 (+15)

6x30 (+15)

6x60 (+30)

12x120 (+60)

  1. Including: post-doc research fellows, scholarship researchers, post-graduate medicine doctors and master students
  2. Including: professors with full position, associate position,  non-tenured positions and researchers of any kind and level.

The internal regulation of each library defines what can be loaned, along with the relative conditions and the default penalities. Consulting the catalogue allows to verify the loan availability (according to art. 8.2 b del Regolamento quadro), the possibile document reservation, the user library situation, such as loans, reservations or delays.


Institutional users can also extend their own loaning off-campus, just ONCE, simply logging into the personal area (with Unito username and password) of the catalogue. Altenatively the loan prolongment can be asked to the staff at the library counter.

ATTENTION: the prolongment must be asked 3 days prior to the due date; the prolongment can’t become effective if the document has been previously reserved by another user.

Logging into the personal area (with Unito username and password) of the catalogue, institutional users can reserve a book which is on loan at that moment. As soon as the book becomes available they will receive an email reporting the reservation expiring date.

As GRADUANDS present their graduation request there must be no active loan with any university library. Our admistrative offices ask for a self declaration  in this sense, a document which also states the responsabilities and the law prosecution the user can meet if they declare the phalse.