Catalogues and collections
Here follows a list of specific tools offered by the University of Turin in order to make bibliographic researches:
Catalogue for searching into our bibliographic network to search into our books and journals (printed materials)
Trova @unito to search online e-books and journals (by title)
TUTTO single point access to all bibliographic resources offered by our University
Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Databases by Discipline
Digital collections
- OPAL Libri antichi – Unito: more than 24.000 works from the XVIth to the XXth century in public domain completly digitized and free to use. A project in constant evolution.
- Internet Archive – Unito Humanities Libraries Network
- Internet Archive - Opal libri antichi
For an off-campus access to Unito resources please follow this guide.
Digital resources are accessible prior consent of the terms of use.